Mahboubi, A., Mahmoudi Gharaie, M., Moussavio Harami, R. (2011). Diagenetic history of chalky-marl couplets in Ab-Deraz Formation, East Kopet-Dagh Basin. , 4(1), 77-92. doi: 10.22067/sed.facies.v4i1.2898
Asadollah Mahboubi; Mohammad Hossein Mahmoudi Gharaie; Reza Moussavio Harami. "Diagenetic history of chalky-marl couplets in Ab-Deraz Formation, East Kopet-Dagh Basin". , 4, 1, 2011, 77-92. doi: 10.22067/sed.facies.v4i1.2898
Mahboubi, A., Mahmoudi Gharaie, M., Moussavio Harami, R. (2011). 'Diagenetic history of chalky-marl couplets in Ab-Deraz Formation, East Kopet-Dagh Basin', , 4(1), pp. 77-92. doi: 10.22067/sed.facies.v4i1.2898
Mahboubi, A., Mahmoudi Gharaie, M., Moussavio Harami, R. Diagenetic history of chalky-marl couplets in Ab-Deraz Formation, East Kopet-Dagh Basin. , 2011; 4(1): 77-92. doi: 10.22067/sed.facies.v4i1.2898

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