Barārī Lārīmī, M., Muḥsinī Dihkalānī, M. (2012). A Deliberation on Article 873 of Civil Law (Generalization of the Inheritance of the Drowned and those Buried under Debris to other Ambiguous Deaths). , 44(2), 63-87. doi: 10.22067/fiqh.v1i1.9492
Muḥammad Barārī Lārīmī; Muḥammad Muḥsinī Dihkalānī. "A Deliberation on Article 873 of Civil Law (Generalization of the Inheritance of the Drowned and those Buried under Debris to other Ambiguous Deaths)". , 44, 2, 2012, 63-87. doi: 10.22067/fiqh.v1i1.9492
Barārī Lārīmī, M., Muḥsinī Dihkalānī, M. (2012). 'A Deliberation on Article 873 of Civil Law (Generalization of the Inheritance of the Drowned and those Buried under Debris to other Ambiguous Deaths)', , 44(2), pp. 63-87. doi: 10.22067/fiqh.v1i1.9492
Barārī Lārīmī, M., Muḥsinī Dihkalānī, M. A Deliberation on Article 873 of Civil Law (Generalization of the Inheritance of the Drowned and those Buried under Debris to other Ambiguous Deaths). , 2012; 44(2): 63-87. doi: 10.22067/fiqh.v1i1.9492

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