Ghazanfari, A. (2004). A Stydy of the reliability and validity of Identity style Questionnaire (ISI - 6G). , 05(1), -. doi: 10.22067/fe.v5i1.1824
Ahmad Ghazanfari. "A Stydy of the reliability and validity of Identity style Questionnaire (ISI - 6G)". , 05, 1, 2004, -. doi: 10.22067/fe.v5i1.1824
Ghazanfari, A. (2004). 'A Stydy of the reliability and validity of Identity style Questionnaire (ISI - 6G)', , 05(1), pp. -. doi: 10.22067/fe.v5i1.1824
Ghazanfari, A. A Stydy of the reliability and validity of Identity style Questionnaire (ISI - 6G). , 2004; 05(1): -. doi: 10.22067/fe.v5i1.1824

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