Ghorbani, R., Mousavi, S., Ghiasvand, M., Karimzade Esfahani, J. (2012). The effect of sowing date and plant density on population and infestation of chickpea pod borers in Lorestan province. , 3(2), -. doi: 10.22067/ijpr.v1391i2.24707
Roshanak Ghorbani; Seyed Karim Mousavi; Mohsen Ghiasvand; Javad Karimzade Esfahani. "The effect of sowing date and plant density on population and infestation of chickpea pod borers in Lorestan province". , 3, 2, 2012, -. doi: 10.22067/ijpr.v1391i2.24707
Ghorbani, R., Mousavi, S., Ghiasvand, M., Karimzade Esfahani, J. (2012). 'The effect of sowing date and plant density on population and infestation of chickpea pod borers in Lorestan province', , 3(2), pp. -. doi: 10.22067/ijpr.v1391i2.24707
Ghorbani, R., Mousavi, S., Ghiasvand, M., Karimzade Esfahani, J. The effect of sowing date and plant density on population and infestation of chickpea pod borers in Lorestan province. , 2012; 3(2): -. doi: 10.22067/ijpr.v1391i2.24707

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