lakzian, E., shaabani, S. (2015). Investigation of The Effects of Coalescence on The Wet Steam Flows. , 26(1), 51-62. doi: 10.22067/fum-mech.v26i1.22255
esmail lakzian; sima shaabani. "Investigation of The Effects of Coalescence on The Wet Steam Flows". , 26, 1, 2015, 51-62. doi: 10.22067/fum-mech.v26i1.22255
lakzian, E., shaabani, S. (2015). 'Investigation of The Effects of Coalescence on The Wet Steam Flows', , 26(1), pp. 51-62. doi: 10.22067/fum-mech.v26i1.22255
lakzian, E., shaabani, S. Investigation of The Effects of Coalescence on The Wet Steam Flows. , 2015; 26(1): 51-62. doi: 10.22067/fum-mech.v26i1.22255

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