Behzad, K., Behzad, R., Mazaheri tehrani, M., Shahidi_noghabi, M. (2010). Effect of Size and Height of Storage of Sugar Beets on Weight and Sugar Loses in Silos. , 8(2), 269-276. doi: 10.22067/gsc.v8i2.7524
Kh Behzad; R Behzad; M Mazaheri tehrani; M. Shahidi_noghabi. "Effect of Size and Height of Storage of Sugar Beets on Weight and Sugar Loses in Silos". , 8, 2, 2010, 269-276. doi: 10.22067/gsc.v8i2.7524
Behzad, K., Behzad, R., Mazaheri tehrani, M., Shahidi_noghabi, M. (2010). 'Effect of Size and Height of Storage of Sugar Beets on Weight and Sugar Loses in Silos', , 8(2), pp. 269-276. doi: 10.22067/gsc.v8i2.7524
Behzad, K., Behzad, R., Mazaheri tehrani, M., Shahidi_noghabi, M. Effect of Size and Height of Storage of Sugar Beets on Weight and Sugar Loses in Silos. , 2010; 8(2): 269-276. doi: 10.22067/gsc.v8i2.7524

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