Seyedi, S., Rezvani Moghaddam, P., Shahriari, R., Azad, M., Jafari, L. (2014). The allelopatic effects of aqueous extracts and decay durations of sunflower on germination and growth of dodder (Cuscuta compestris Yuncker). , 6(1), 1-10. doi: 10.22067/jag.v6i1.35649
S.M. Seyedi; Parviz Rezvani Moghaddam; R. Shahriari; M. Azad; L. Jafari. "The allelopatic effects of aqueous extracts and decay durations of sunflower on germination and growth of dodder (Cuscuta compestris Yuncker)". , 6, 1, 2014, 1-10. doi: 10.22067/jag.v6i1.35649
Seyedi, S., Rezvani Moghaddam, P., Shahriari, R., Azad, M., Jafari, L. (2014). 'The allelopatic effects of aqueous extracts and decay durations of sunflower on germination and growth of dodder (Cuscuta compestris Yuncker)', , 6(1), pp. 1-10. doi: 10.22067/jag.v6i1.35649
Seyedi, S., Rezvani Moghaddam, P., Shahriari, R., Azad, M., Jafari, L. The allelopatic effects of aqueous extracts and decay durations of sunflower on germination and growth of dodder (Cuscuta compestris Yuncker). , 2014; 6(1): 1-10. doi: 10.22067/jag.v6i1.35649

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