Shamshirgaran, Y., Tahmoorespur, M., Dehghani, H., Nassiry, M. (2015). Up-regulation of Sox2 Gene in Cattle Fibroblast Cells using TALE-TF. , 7(1), 87-95. doi: 10.22067/ijasr.v7i1.23821
Yasaman Shamshirgaran; Mojtaba Tahmoorespur; Hesam Dehghani; Mohammad Reza Nassiry. "Up-regulation of Sox2 Gene in Cattle Fibroblast Cells using TALE-TF". , 7, 1, 2015, 87-95. doi: 10.22067/ijasr.v7i1.23821
Shamshirgaran, Y., Tahmoorespur, M., Dehghani, H., Nassiry, M. (2015). 'Up-regulation of Sox2 Gene in Cattle Fibroblast Cells using TALE-TF', , 7(1), pp. 87-95. doi: 10.22067/ijasr.v7i1.23821
Shamshirgaran, Y., Tahmoorespur, M., Dehghani, H., Nassiry, M. Up-regulation of Sox2 Gene in Cattle Fibroblast Cells using TALE-TF. , 2015; 7(1): 87-95. doi: 10.22067/ijasr.v7i1.23821

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