mohebodini, M., Azimzadeh, Z., Chamani, E., Erfani, M. (2018). Effect of Plant Growth Regulators and Ultrasound on the Bulblet Production and Root Induction in Lilium ledebourii. , 32(1), 23-33. doi: 10.22067/jhorts4.v32i1.53354
mehdi mohebodini; Zahra Azimzadeh; Esmail Chamani; Malihe Erfani. "Effect of Plant Growth Regulators and Ultrasound on the Bulblet Production and Root Induction in Lilium ledebourii". , 32, 1, 2018, 23-33. doi: 10.22067/jhorts4.v32i1.53354
mohebodini, M., Azimzadeh, Z., Chamani, E., Erfani, M. (2018). 'Effect of Plant Growth Regulators and Ultrasound on the Bulblet Production and Root Induction in Lilium ledebourii', , 32(1), pp. 23-33. doi: 10.22067/jhorts4.v32i1.53354
mohebodini, M., Azimzadeh, Z., Chamani, E., Erfani, M. Effect of Plant Growth Regulators and Ultrasound on the Bulblet Production and Root Induction in Lilium ledebourii. , 2018; 32(1): 23-33. doi: 10.22067/jhorts4.v32i1.53354

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