Purpose- Employment and unemployment, which are very important issues in rural areas, can be solved in general through home-based businesses and their development. The issue of home-based businesses can be very influential in creating employment in rural areas The main purpose of this study is to provide a paradigmatic model of home business development in rural areas of Isfahan province based on basic theory. Design/Methodology/Approach- This study was conducted in 2020. The present research is among the basic and qualitative researches that have been done with the approach of the foundation data theory approach. The interview collection tool was structured. The interviews were conducted among experts and experts in the field of home-based jobs, and the opinions of the interviewees were theoretically saturated from the 29th interview. Findings- After the emergence of concepts (139 references) and open, central, and selective coding, led to the design of the conceptual framework of the research model and the presentation of the paradigm model. Based on the results of the Grounded Theory, the pattern of home-based businesses to achieve development in rural areas of Isfahan province has been drawn. This model includes causal conditions (including managerial factors and comprehensive policy system), intervening conditions (educational-promotional factors, motivational factors, and attitudinal factors), contextual conditions (infrastructure factors, marketing, skill factors, and promotion of financial and credit resources). This includes strategies (stakeholder participation, information system, and support factors) and social consequences (increasing the level of participation and sense of responsibility and cooperation among residents, reducing social harms, empowering local people, Reduce the migration of local people to the city, move towards sustainable development) and economic consequences (rural growth and development, reducing the dependence of local people on government credits and facilities and assistance such as subsidies, promoting economic welfare, improving local livelihoods) has it. Research limitations/implications- The limitations of the present study include the following: Research is time-consuming; some people are not cooperating to collect data, it is difficult to assess the relative importance of the components and factors of the proposed theory. |
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