1Department of Environmental and Life Sciences, Trent University, 1600 West Bank Drive, Peterborough, Ontario, Canada
2Department of Fisheries Sciences, Faculty of Natural Resources, University of Kurdistan, Sanandaj, Iran
3Department of Fisheries Sciences, Faculty of Natural Resources, University of Kurdistan, Sanandaj, Iran;
4Zrebar Lake Environmental Research, Kurdistan Studies Institute, University of Kurdistan, Sanandaj, Iran
Ongoing investigation into Chironomidae specimens collected from the Sirwan River watershed in 2020 resulted in two new faunistic records for Iran, and new range extensions for the Palearctic region. Two species, Paramerina divisa (Walker, 1856) and Xenochironomus xenolabis (Kieffer, 1916) are diagnosed and reported for the first time from Iran. This contributes to establishing baseline data about the diversity and distribution of freshwater flora and fauna of this region.