rajaei, M., musawy biygy, M., ا, . (2023). Mullā Ṣadrā’s Innovations in the Philosophical Explanation of Resurrection. , 54(1), 225-245. doi: 10.22067/epk.2022.76390.1118
muhammad taqi rajaei; muhammad musawy biygy; ا ا. "Mullā Ṣadrā’s Innovations in the Philosophical Explanation of Resurrection". , 54, 1, 2023, 225-245. doi: 10.22067/epk.2022.76390.1118
rajaei, M., musawy biygy, M., ا, . (2023). 'Mullā Ṣadrā’s Innovations in the Philosophical Explanation of Resurrection', , 54(1), pp. 225-245. doi: 10.22067/epk.2022.76390.1118
rajaei, M., musawy biygy, M., ا, . Mullā Ṣadrā’s Innovations in the Philosophical Explanation of Resurrection. , 2023; 54(1): 225-245. doi: 10.22067/epk.2022.76390.1118

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