Nayehdar, M., Hajizadeh Meymandi, M. (2023). Exploring the Industry Activists’ Experience and Interpretation of the Competitiveness of Iran Air. , 20(3), 121-149. doi: 10.22067/social.2023.81879.1329
Mehdi Nayehdar; Masoud Hajizadeh Meymandi. "Exploring the Industry Activists’ Experience and Interpretation of the Competitiveness of Iran Air". , 20, 3, 2023, 121-149. doi: 10.22067/social.2023.81879.1329
Nayehdar, M., Hajizadeh Meymandi, M. (2023). 'Exploring the Industry Activists’ Experience and Interpretation of the Competitiveness of Iran Air', , 20(3), pp. 121-149. doi: 10.22067/social.2023.81879.1329
Nayehdar, M., Hajizadeh Meymandi, M. Exploring the Industry Activists’ Experience and Interpretation of the Competitiveness of Iran Air. , 2023; 20(3): 121-149. doi: 10.22067/social.2023.81879.1329

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