Taheri Aghdam, A., Salmasi, F., Hosseinzade Dalir, A., Abbaspour, A. (2023). Experimental and Numerical Investigation of the Trajectory of Outlet Jets through the Pressurized Discharge Gates of Reservoir Dams. , 10(3), 109-120. doi: 10.22067/jwsd.v10i3.2301-1207
A. Taheri Aghdam; F. Salmasi; A. Hosseinzade Dalir; A. Abbaspour. "Experimental and Numerical Investigation of the Trajectory of Outlet Jets through the Pressurized Discharge Gates of Reservoir Dams". , 10, 3, 2023, 109-120. doi: 10.22067/jwsd.v10i3.2301-1207
Taheri Aghdam, A., Salmasi, F., Hosseinzade Dalir, A., Abbaspour, A. (2023). 'Experimental and Numerical Investigation of the Trajectory of Outlet Jets through the Pressurized Discharge Gates of Reservoir Dams', , 10(3), pp. 109-120. doi: 10.22067/jwsd.v10i3.2301-1207
Taheri Aghdam, A., Salmasi, F., Hosseinzade Dalir, A., Abbaspour, A. Experimental and Numerical Investigation of the Trajectory of Outlet Jets through the Pressurized Discharge Gates of Reservoir Dams. , 2023; 10(3): 109-120. doi: 10.22067/jwsd.v10i3.2301-1207

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