Razeghi, F., Aghaeizadeh, E., Shokrgozar, A. (2024). The infill development capacity in the urban deteriorated fabrics (case study: Some'e Bijār neighborhood of Rasht city). , 22(2), -. doi: 10.22067/jgrd.2024.51189.0
Farzaneh Razeghi; Esmaeil Aghaeizadeh; Asghar Shokrgozar. "The infill development capacity in the urban deteriorated fabrics (case study: Some'e Bijār neighborhood of Rasht city)". , 22, 2, 2024, -. doi: 10.22067/jgrd.2024.51189.0
Razeghi, F., Aghaeizadeh, E., Shokrgozar, A. (2024). 'The infill development capacity in the urban deteriorated fabrics (case study: Some'e Bijār neighborhood of Rasht city)', , 22(2), pp. -. doi: 10.22067/jgrd.2024.51189.0
Razeghi, F., Aghaeizadeh, E., Shokrgozar, A. The infill development capacity in the urban deteriorated fabrics (case study: Some'e Bijār neighborhood of Rasht city). , 2024; 22(2): -. doi: 10.22067/jgrd.2024.51189.0

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