Mahloji, M., Shahabi, A., Asady, A., Jafary, A. (2007). Effects of the rate and methods of placement of K-fertilizer in. , 5(2), 357-366. doi: 10.22067/gsc.v5i2.1142
M Mahloji; A Shahabi; A Asady; A Jafary. "Effects of the rate and methods of placement of K-fertilizer in". , 5, 2, 2007, 357-366. doi: 10.22067/gsc.v5i2.1142
Mahloji, M., Shahabi, A., Asady, A., Jafary, A. (2007). 'Effects of the rate and methods of placement of K-fertilizer in', , 5(2), pp. 357-366. doi: 10.22067/gsc.v5i2.1142
Mahloji, M., Shahabi, A., Asady, A., Jafary, A. Effects of the rate and methods of placement of K-fertilizer in. , 2007; 5(2): 357-366. doi: 10.22067/gsc.v5i2.1142

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