
Study of desiccation and freezing on vgetative reproduction of

Pages 201-210
M. T Ale ebrahim; M.H Rashed Mohasel; F Miaghani; M. A Baghestani; M Nasiri mahalati; A. H Pahlavani


Effects of treated waste water irrigation on some qualitative charcterstics of forage sorghum, corn and millet

Pages 211-220
A Emami; P Rezvani Moghaddam; A Ghodratnama; S. H Hafezian


Evaluation of quantitative and qualitative characteristics of Amaranth cultivars in different planting dates

Pages 221-228
A Aynehband; V Aghasyzadeh; M Meskarbashee


Seasonal variation of radiation interception and radiation use efficiency in sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.)

Pages 229-238
S Parsa; A Koocheki; M Nasiri mahalati; A. R Ghaemi


Evaluation of amount and time of nitrogen application, and

Pages 239-248
N Portoosi; M.H Rashed Mohasel; M Parsa; M Nasiri mahalati; E Mohammadvand


Germination behaviour of cultivated and natural stand seeds of Khorasan thyme (Thymus transcaspicus Klokov)

Pages 249-258
L Tabrizi; A Koocheki; M Nasiri mahalati; P Rezvani Moghaddam


Responses of grain yield and yield components of wheat to supplemental irrigation in dryland conditions

Pages 259-270
M. R Tadayon; Y Emam


Effect of plant density on agronomic characteristics chlorophyll content and stem remobilization percentage in four grain

Pages 271-280
H Javadi; M.H Rashed Mohasel; A Azari Nasrabad


The effects of different manure levels and two branch management methods on organic production of Cucurbita pepo.L

Pages 281-290
M Jahan; A Koocheki; M Nasiri mahalati; F Dehghani Pour


Optimizing fallow management under east Azarbaijan using simulation of soil water balance

Pages 291-300
E Soltani; F Rahimzade khoei; A Koocheki; A Javanshir; A Soltani


The effect of growth indices in competitive ability of some canola (Brasica napus) cultivars against wild mustard (Sinapis arvensis).

Pages 301-314
A. R Safahani; B Kamkar; E Zand; N Bagherani; M Bagheri


Effects of different nitrogen levels and plant density on flower, essential oils and extract production and nitrogen use efficiency of Marigold (Calendula officinalis).

Pages 315-326
A. A Ameri; M Nasiri mahalati; P Rezvani Moghaddam


The effect of sowing date and plant density on yield and yield components of safflower (Carthamus tinctorious L.) in Rokh plateau .

Pages 327-332
S. F Fazeli Kakhki; R Sadrabadi Haghighi; A Zarea Feizabadi; M Ezzat Ahmadi


Yield gap analysis of cumin in nine regions of Khorasan provinces using modelling approach

Pages 333-342
B Kamkar; A Koocheki; M Nasiri mahalati; P Rezvani Moghaddam


Spatial and temporal patterns of chickpea genotypes (Cicer arietinum L.) root growth under waterlogging stress

Pages 343-356
A Ganjeali; H Palta; N Terner


Effects of the rate and methods of placement of K-fertilizer in

Pages 357-366
M Mahloji; A Shahabi; A Asady; A Jafary

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