Malek mohammadi, M., Rahnama, M., Abdanan Mehdizadeh, S., Kazemi, N. (2021). Studying some Pollutant Emissions of an Injection Gasoline Engine Using Mixed Fuel of Ethanol, Gasoline and Carbon Nanoparticles. , 11(2), 213-230. doi: 10.22067/jam.v11i2.76903
M. Malek mohammadi; M. Rahnama; S. Abdanan Mehdizadeh; N. Kazemi. "Studying some Pollutant Emissions of an Injection Gasoline Engine Using Mixed Fuel of Ethanol, Gasoline and Carbon Nanoparticles". , 11, 2, 2021, 213-230. doi: 10.22067/jam.v11i2.76903
Malek mohammadi, M., Rahnama, M., Abdanan Mehdizadeh, S., Kazemi, N. (2021). 'Studying some Pollutant Emissions of an Injection Gasoline Engine Using Mixed Fuel of Ethanol, Gasoline and Carbon Nanoparticles', , 11(2), pp. 213-230. doi: 10.22067/jam.v11i2.76903
Malek mohammadi, M., Rahnama, M., Abdanan Mehdizadeh, S., Kazemi, N. Studying some Pollutant Emissions of an Injection Gasoline Engine Using Mixed Fuel of Ethanol, Gasoline and Carbon Nanoparticles. , 2021; 11(2): 213-230. doi: 10.22067/jam.v11i2.76903

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