
Design and Development of a Warning System for Seed Blockage in a One Row Grain Drill

Pages 131-143
O. Esmand; S. R. Mousavi Seyedi; D. Kalantari


Designing and Constructing an Active Boom Balancing System using a New Technique Variable Fulcrum Method and Comparing It with a Conventional Sprayer

Pages 145-159
P. Pashaee; H. R. Ghasemzadeh; H. Behfar


Simulation, Development and Evaluation of an Autonomous Robotic Boat Used in Aquacultures

Pages 161-171
H. Abdolmaleki; A. Jafari; H. Mousazadeh; A. Hajiahmad


Effect of Parameters on the Separation of Almond Shell and Kernel, and Design and Development a Pneumatic Separator

Pages 173-185
V. Neisari fam; R. Tabatabaei koloor; A. Motevali


Evaluation of the Effect of Rake Angle on the Performance of a Modified Narrow Blade

Pages 187-197
B. Souri Damirchi Sofla; S. H. Karparvarfard; A. Ranjbar Karim Abadi; H. Azimi-Nejadian; A. Moazni Kalat


The Effect of Compression Ratio and Alternative Fuels on the Performance of Turbocharged Diesel Engine by GT-POWER Software

Pages 199-212
S. Ahmadipour; M. H. Aghkhani; J. Zareei


Studying some Pollutant Emissions of an Injection Gasoline Engine Using Mixed Fuel of Ethanol, Gasoline and Carbon Nanoparticles

Pages 213-230
M. Malek mohammadi; M. Rahnama; S. Abdanan Mehdizadeh; N. Kazemi


Numerical Study of Wheat Conveying in Separator Cyclone using Computational Fluid Dynamics

Pages 231-246
S. Naimei Dizajyekan; Gh. Shahgholi; A. Rezvanivand fanaei; V. Rostampour


Ventilation and Cooling Modeling and Lyout of Fans, Pads and Vents of an Octagonal Greenhouse

Pages 247-262
J. Javadi Moghaddam; S. Ozlati; Gh. Zarei; D. Momeni; F. Azadshahraki


Modeling of Potato Slice Drying Process in a Microwave Dryer using Artificial Neural Network and Machine Vision

Pages 263-275
S. Rezaei; N. Behroozi-Khazaei; H. Darvishi


Feasibility of Online Diagnosis of Botrytis elliptica Disease in the Lilium Plant using the Machine Vision System and K-means

Pages 277-291
H. Biabi; S. Abdanan Mehdizadeh; M. Salehi Salmi


Greenhouses Energy Supply Modeling Using Renewable Energy in Grid-Connected mode

Pages 293-303
S. Mirzamohammadi; A. Jabarzadeh; M. Salehi Shahrabi


Potential Evaluation and Modeling of Biogas Production from Apple Pomace

Pages 305-316
M. Sami; A. Akram; M. Sharifi


Anthracnose Detection on Walnut Tree Leaves using Outdoor Image Processing Methods

Pages 317-329
A. Yousefvand; J. Amiri Parian


Optimization Effect of Ultrasound on Rupture Force and Kernel Extracting Quality of Walnut using Response Surface Method (RSM)

Pages 331-342
E. Biabani Agdam; M. H. Khoshtaghaza; Gh. Najafi


Applying Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System and Artificial Neural Network to the Prediction of Quality changes of Hawthorn Fruit (Crataegus pinnatifida) during Various Storage Conditions

Pages 343-357
M. Zandi; A. Ganjloo; M. Bimakr


Optimizing the Muffler of a Portable Lawn Mower Engine to reduce Noise Pollution Levels

Pages 359-369
Sh. Sedighi; D. Kalantari; J. Rédl


Estimation of the Best Classification Algorithm and Fraud Detection of Olive Oil by Olfaction Machine

Pages 371-383
M. R. Zarezadeh; M. Aboonajmi; M. Ghasemi-Varnamkhasti; F. Azarikia


Measuring Mechanical Properties and Simulating the Creep Behavior of Wild Cane Stem using Burger-Voigt Model

Pages 385-397
M. Porabolghasem; A. Ghazanfari Moghaddam; F. Mozafari ghoraba


Modeling Grain Losses in Mechanized Harvesting of Oily Sunflower

Pages 399-408
P. Ghiasi; M. Safari


Effects of Air Impingement Jet Drying on Drying Kinetics and Some Quality Attributes of Strawberry Slices

Pages 409-422
M. Rad; H. Goli; F. Mirahmadi


Energy and Exergy Analysis of Drying Process of Lemon Verbena Leaves in a Solar Dryer

Pages 423-433
M. Moradi; J. Ghasemi; H. Azimi-Nejadian


Investigation of some Energy and Exergy Factors during Ohmic Heating Processing of Sour Orange

Pages 435-445
M. Vahedi Torshizi; M. Azadbakht; M. Kashaninejad


Evaluation of Several Spectral Indices for Estimation of Canola Yield using Sentinel-2 Sensor Images

Pages 447-464
N. Loveimi; A. Akram; N. Bagheri; A. Hajiahmad


Semi-mechanized Harvesting of the Safflower Petals in Comparison with Conventional Method

Pages 465-475
M. Safari; H. Sharifnasab


Ergonomic Evaluation Posture of Sugarcane Workers using REBA Method

Pages 477-489
N. Monjezi


Analysis of Energy Indicators and Environmental Impacts of Dryland Cantaloupe Production with Life Cycle Assessment Approach (Case Study: Ilam)

Pages 491-504
A. Kaab; M. Sharifi; H. Moradi


Evaluation Energy Flow and Analysis of Energy Economy for Irrigated Wheat Production in Different Geographical Regions of Iran

Pages 505-523
A. Vahedi; S. Zarifneshat


Ranking the Effective Factors in the Technology Acceptance Model for the Actual Use of Agricultural Automation (Case study: Ardebil)

Pages 525-534
M. Salimi; R. Pourdarbani; B. Asgarnezhad Nouri


Challenges and Opportunities in Development of Agricultural Mechanization in Ahvaz County using SWOT Method

Pages 535-548
N. Moradi; A. Asakereh; M. J. Sheikhdavoodi

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