Porabolghasem, M., Ghazanfari Moghaddam, A., Mozafari ghoraba, F. (2021). Measuring Mechanical Properties and Simulating the Creep Behavior of Wild Cane Stem using Burger-Voigt Model. , 11(2), 385-397. doi: 10.22067/jam.v11i2.80688
M. Porabolghasem; A. Ghazanfari Moghaddam; F. Mozafari ghoraba. "Measuring Mechanical Properties and Simulating the Creep Behavior of Wild Cane Stem using Burger-Voigt Model". , 11, 2, 2021, 385-397. doi: 10.22067/jam.v11i2.80688
Porabolghasem, M., Ghazanfari Moghaddam, A., Mozafari ghoraba, F. (2021). 'Measuring Mechanical Properties and Simulating the Creep Behavior of Wild Cane Stem using Burger-Voigt Model', , 11(2), pp. 385-397. doi: 10.22067/jam.v11i2.80688
Porabolghasem, M., Ghazanfari Moghaddam, A., Mozafari ghoraba, F. Measuring Mechanical Properties and Simulating the Creep Behavior of Wild Cane Stem using Burger-Voigt Model. , 2021; 11(2): 385-397. doi: 10.22067/jam.v11i2.80688

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