Neisari fam, V., Tabatabaei koloor, R., Motevali, A. (2021). Effect of Parameters on the Separation of Almond Shell and Kernel, and Design and Development a Pneumatic Separator. , 11(2), 173-185. doi: 10.22067/jam.v11i2.81511
V. Neisari fam; R. Tabatabaei koloor; A. Motevali. "Effect of Parameters on the Separation of Almond Shell and Kernel, and Design and Development a Pneumatic Separator". , 11, 2, 2021, 173-185. doi: 10.22067/jam.v11i2.81511
Neisari fam, V., Tabatabaei koloor, R., Motevali, A. (2021). 'Effect of Parameters on the Separation of Almond Shell and Kernel, and Design and Development a Pneumatic Separator', , 11(2), pp. 173-185. doi: 10.22067/jam.v11i2.81511
Neisari fam, V., Tabatabaei koloor, R., Motevali, A. Effect of Parameters on the Separation of Almond Shell and Kernel, and Design and Development a Pneumatic Separator. , 2021; 11(2): 173-185. doi: 10.22067/jam.v11i2.81511

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