Moradi, M., Abedi, B., Arouiee, H., Aliniaeifard, S., Ghasemi Bezdi, K. (2023). Effect of Different Light Spectral on Photosynthetic Performance, Growth Indicators and Essential Oil Content of Salvia officinalis L.. , 37(3), 821-841. doi: 10.22067/jhs.2023.78806.1211
Mehdi Moradi; Bahram Abedi; Hossein Arouiee; Sasan Aliniaeifard; Kamal Ghasemi Bezdi. "Effect of Different Light Spectral on Photosynthetic Performance, Growth Indicators and Essential Oil Content of Salvia officinalis L.". , 37, 3, 2023, 821-841. doi: 10.22067/jhs.2023.78806.1211
Moradi, M., Abedi, B., Arouiee, H., Aliniaeifard, S., Ghasemi Bezdi, K. (2023). 'Effect of Different Light Spectral on Photosynthetic Performance, Growth Indicators and Essential Oil Content of Salvia officinalis L.', , 37(3), pp. 821-841. doi: 10.22067/jhs.2023.78806.1211
Moradi, M., Abedi, B., Arouiee, H., Aliniaeifard, S., Ghasemi Bezdi, K. Effect of Different Light Spectral on Photosynthetic Performance, Growth Indicators and Essential Oil Content of Salvia officinalis L.. , 2023; 37(3): 821-841. doi: 10.22067/jhs.2023.78806.1211

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