
Effect of Shoot Girdling, Fruit Thinning and Foliar Application of Urea, Zinc Sulfate and Sucrose on Yield, Leaf Chlorophyll Content, Photosynthesis Rate and Nut Quantitative Characteristics of Pistachio cv. ‘Ohadi’

Pages 277-287
M. Esmaeilizade; A. R. Talaie; H. Lesani; .Amanollah Javanshah; Hossein Hokmabadi


The Investigation of Factors Influencing on Postharvest Longevity of Tuberose Cut Flower cv. Pearl on (Polianthes tuberosecv. Pearl)

Pages 288-294
S. jozghsemi; S. N. Mortazavi; mohsen khodadadi


Effect of Carbon Dioxide Injection to Root Zone on the Growth and Nitrate Accumulation in Two Cultivars of Lettuce (Lactuca sativa L. cv. Capitata and Sativa)

Pages 295-302
M. rahmnpourazar; jalal tabatabaei; Sahebali Bolandnazar


Effect of Putrescine on Postharvest Quality, and Phenolic Compounds and Antioxidant Capacity of Broccoli (Brassica oleracea L. cv. Italica) Florets

Pages 303-311
F. Jafarpour; Davoud Bakhshi; M GH; R. Hassan Sajedi


Study of Physical Properties, Phenolics Compounds and Antioxidant Activity of Thirty Different Iranian Cultivars of Pomegranates Peels

Pages 312-318
Ali Tehranifar; M. Zarei; B. Esfandiyari; Z. Nemati


Optimizing of in vitro Zygotic Embryo Culture of Salvia leriifolia Benth.

Pages 319-326
M. Modarres; mehrdad lahouti; Ali Ganjeali; J. Asili


Improvement of white Button Mushroom Yield by AFLP Marker-assisted Single Spore Selection Method

Pages 327-337
M. Alipoor; Mohammad farsi; A. Mirshamsi kakhki


Effect of Drought Stress and Organic Fertilizer on Activity of Some Antioxidant Enzymes, Photosynthetic Pigments, Proline and Yield of Borage (Borago officinalis )

Pages 338-346
R. Gholinegad; A. sirousmehr; B. Fakheri


The Effect of Distant Irrigation on Ionic Changes, Relative Water Content, Prolin Level, and some General Characteristics of Petunia

Pages 347-359
M. Zadeh Bagheri; F. Al-Boali; H. Sadeghi; Sh. Javanmardi


Effect of Pre Harvest Applicationof SalicylicAcid on Post Harvest Characteristics of Pomegranate Fruit and Storage in Cold Store

Pages 360-368
H. Rastegari; Ali Tehranifar; Seyyed Hosein Nemati; M. R. Vazifehshenas


Study on Freezing Tolerance of Calendula (Calendula officinalis L.) in Vegetative and Reproductive Stages

Pages 369-378
A. Nezami; Seyed Mmohammad javad Mousavi; S. Nezami; E. Izadi Darbandi; M. Yousef Sani; fatemeh keykha akhar


Effect of Foliar Spray of Mono and Di-potassium Phosphate on Some Quantitative and Qualitative Characteristic of Pomegranate Fruit (Punica granatum L. cv. Malas e Saveh)

Pages 379-387
M. A. Askari; M. Babalar; marjan Hosseini; M. Amani Beni


Effect of Salicylic Acid and Salt Stress on Seed Germination and Functional Antioxidant in Broccoli Sprout

Pages 388-398
M. Babalar; J. Hashemi; Y. Mostufi


Effect of Aloe vera gel on Polyphenol Oxidas Enzyme Activity, Quality Attributes and Storage Life of Sweet Cherry Fruit (Prunus avium cv. Siahe mashhad)

Pages 399-406
Mohammadreza Asghari; Hojjat Khalily


The Effects of Drying Methods on drying Time and some Biochemical Characteristics of Mentha × piperita L.

Pages 407-415
F. Roozdar; Majid azizi; A. Ghani; Gholam Hossein Davarynejad


Effect of Irrigation Duration on Some of characteristics Growth Thomson Navel Orange Grafted on Three Citrus Rootstock

Pages 416-426
M GH; Ali Momenpour; A.R. Abdolahpour; A.R. Sheiykh Eshkevari


Effects of Nutrient Management on Flowe Yield and Corm Characteristics of Saffron (Crocus sativus L.)

Pages 427-434
P. Rezvani Moghaddam; A.A. Mohammad Abadi; H. R. Falahi; M. Aghhavani Shajari



Pages 33-49


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