
Evaluation of quantitative relationships between saffron yield and nutrition (on farm trial)

Pages 1-14
M. A Behdani; A Koocheki; M Nasiri mahalati; P Rezvani Moghaddam


Effects of planting depth and flooding period on germination and emergence of swallow wort (Cynanchum acutum)

Pages 15-24
A. H Pahlavani; M. T Ale ebrahim; M.H Rashed Mohasel; F Miaghani; M Nasiri mahalati


Evaluation of seed vigor tests for determinig alfalfa seed quality

Pages 25-34
H Tavakoli Kakhki; S. A Beheshti; M Nasiri mahalati


The effect of drought stress on morphological and physiological characteristics of millets

Pages 35-44
H. R Khazaei; A Mohammadabadi; A Borzouei


Effects of amount and timing of nitrogen application and weed density on wild mustard (Sinapis arvensis) seed production in winter wheat

Pages 45-56
M Rastgoo; A Ghanbari; M Bannayan Aval; H Rahimiyan mashhadi


Effects of different irrigation intervals and plant density on morphological characteristics, grain and oil yields of sesame (Sesamum indicum)

Pages 57-68
P Rezvani Moghaddam; Gh Norouz pour; J Nabati; A Mohammadabadi


Physiological effects of drought stress by polyethylene glycol on germination of lentil (Lens culinaris Medik.) genotypes

Pages 69-80
M Kafi; A Nezami; H Hoseyni; A Masoumi


Effect of different treatments on breaking dormancy of Teucrium polium

Pages 81-88
A Koocheki; E Azizi


Effects of different input levels on weed seed bank in wheat fields of Mashhad

Pages 89-102
A Koocheki; M Nasiri mahalati


Screening for drought tolerance in chickpea genotypes (Cicer arietinum L.).

Pages 103-122
A Ganjeali; M Kafi; A Bagheri; F Shahriari


Evaluation of germination behavior and optimum planting date of Ferula gummosa

Pages 123-128
F Melati; A Koocheki; M Nasiri mahalati


Ecological Sustainability of a Wheat-cotton Agroecosystem in Khorassan

Pages 129-142
A Mahdavi; A Koocheki; P Rezvani Moghaddam; M Nasiri mahalati


Responsiveness of cold tolerant chickpea characteristics in fall and spring planting: I- phenology and morphology

Pages 143-155
A Nezami; A Bagheri


Responsiveness of cold tolerant chickpea characteristics in fall and spring planting: II. yield and yield components

Pages 156-170
A Nezami; A Bagheri

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