Pahlavani, A., Ale ebrahim, M., Rashed Mohasel, M., Miaghani, F., Nasiri mahalati, M. (2005). Effects of planting depth and flooding period on germination and emergence of swallow wort (Cynanchum acutum). , 3(1), 15-24. doi: 10.22067/gsc.v3i1.1288
A. H Pahlavani; M. T Ale ebrahim; M.H Rashed Mohasel; F Miaghani; M Nasiri mahalati. "Effects of planting depth and flooding period on germination and emergence of swallow wort (Cynanchum acutum)". , 3, 1, 2005, 15-24. doi: 10.22067/gsc.v3i1.1288
Pahlavani, A., Ale ebrahim, M., Rashed Mohasel, M., Miaghani, F., Nasiri mahalati, M. (2005). 'Effects of planting depth and flooding period on germination and emergence of swallow wort (Cynanchum acutum)', , 3(1), pp. 15-24. doi: 10.22067/gsc.v3i1.1288
Pahlavani, A., Ale ebrahim, M., Rashed Mohasel, M., Miaghani, F., Nasiri mahalati, M. Effects of planting depth and flooding period on germination and emergence of swallow wort (Cynanchum acutum). , 2005; 3(1): 15-24. doi: 10.22067/gsc.v3i1.1288

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