Najafian, A., Rovshan, B., Ghirati, Z. (2015). The Morphopragmatics of Attributive Suffixes in Persian. , 7(13), 21-38. doi: 10.22067/lj.v7i13.56497
Arezoo Najafian; Belghis Rovshan; zahra Ghirati. "The Morphopragmatics of Attributive Suffixes in Persian". , 7, 13, 2015, 21-38. doi: 10.22067/lj.v7i13.56497
Najafian, A., Rovshan, B., Ghirati, Z. (2015). 'The Morphopragmatics of Attributive Suffixes in Persian', , 7(13), pp. 21-38. doi: 10.22067/lj.v7i13.56497
Najafian, A., Rovshan, B., Ghirati, Z. The Morphopragmatics of Attributive Suffixes in Persian. , 2015; 7(13): 21-38. doi: 10.22067/lj.v7i13.56497

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