Ghasemi, A., Ghodarzi, A., Hemmat, A. (2014). Study of Changes in Rheological Properties of Potato Tissue During Storage Using the Creep Test. , 4(2), 305-313. doi: 10.22067/jam.v4i2.34819
A. Ghasemi; A. Ghodarzi; A. Hemmat. "Study of Changes in Rheological Properties of Potato Tissue During Storage Using the Creep Test". , 4, 2, 2014, 305-313. doi: 10.22067/jam.v4i2.34819
Ghasemi, A., Ghodarzi, A., Hemmat, A. (2014). 'Study of Changes in Rheological Properties of Potato Tissue During Storage Using the Creep Test', , 4(2), pp. 305-313. doi: 10.22067/jam.v4i2.34819
Ghasemi, A., Ghodarzi, A., Hemmat, A. Study of Changes in Rheological Properties of Potato Tissue During Storage Using the Creep Test. , 2014; 4(2): 305-313. doi: 10.22067/jam.v4i2.34819

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