Izadifard, A., Mohseni dehkalany, M., hussain nejad, S. (2016). Investigation of the Authenticity of the Narratives in Tuhaf al-Uqūl. , 48(1), 29-51. doi: 10.22067/naqhs.v48i1.43914
Aliakbar Izadifard; Muhammad Mohseni dehkalany; syed mojtaba hussain nejad. "Investigation of the Authenticity of the Narratives in Tuhaf al-Uqūl". , 48, 1, 2016, 29-51. doi: 10.22067/naqhs.v48i1.43914
Izadifard, A., Mohseni dehkalany, M., hussain nejad, S. (2016). 'Investigation of the Authenticity of the Narratives in Tuhaf al-Uqūl', , 48(1), pp. 29-51. doi: 10.22067/naqhs.v48i1.43914
Izadifard, A., Mohseni dehkalany, M., hussain nejad, S. Investigation of the Authenticity of the Narratives in Tuhaf al-Uqūl. , 2016; 48(1): 29-51. doi: 10.22067/naqhs.v48i1.43914

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