mehrabi, E., Sayyid Musavi, S., Farhoud, F. (2014). The Status and Philosophy of Theology in the Realm of Ghazālī’s Thought. , 46(1), 97-118. doi: 10.22067/philosophy.v46i1.19423
ebrahim mehrabi; Sayyid Husayn Sayyid Musavi; Farangis Farhoud. "The Status and Philosophy of Theology in the Realm of Ghazālī’s Thought". , 46, 1, 2014, 97-118. doi: 10.22067/philosophy.v46i1.19423
mehrabi, E., Sayyid Musavi, S., Farhoud, F. (2014). 'The Status and Philosophy of Theology in the Realm of Ghazālī’s Thought', , 46(1), pp. 97-118. doi: 10.22067/philosophy.v46i1.19423
mehrabi, E., Sayyid Musavi, S., Farhoud, F. The Status and Philosophy of Theology in the Realm of Ghazālī’s Thought. , 2014; 46(1): 97-118. doi: 10.22067/philosophy.v46i1.19423

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