Hayati, B., Khadem Baladi Pour, T. (2012). An Estimation of the Recreational Value and Determination of Effective Factors on Visitors Willingness to Pay for Ghourigol Wetland. , 26(1), -. doi: 10.22067/jead2.v1391i1.14099
B. Hayati; T. Khadem Baladi Pour. "An Estimation of the Recreational Value and Determination of Effective Factors on Visitors Willingness to Pay for Ghourigol Wetland". , 26, 1, 2012, -. doi: 10.22067/jead2.v1391i1.14099
Hayati, B., Khadem Baladi Pour, T. (2012). 'An Estimation of the Recreational Value and Determination of Effective Factors on Visitors Willingness to Pay for Ghourigol Wetland', , 26(1), pp. -. doi: 10.22067/jead2.v1391i1.14099
Hayati, B., Khadem Baladi Pour, T. An Estimation of the Recreational Value and Determination of Effective Factors on Visitors Willingness to Pay for Ghourigol Wetland. , 2012; 26(1): -. doi: 10.22067/jead2.v1391i1.14099

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