jamshidi, G., heidari, G., Farajpahlou, A. (2016). Viewpoints of the Iranian University Library Managers on Solutions for Documentation of Experience and Knowledge. , 6(1), 127-144. doi: 10.22067/riis.v6i1.42407
giti jamshidi; gholam reza heidari; abdolHossein Farajpahlou. "Viewpoints of the Iranian University Library Managers on Solutions for Documentation of Experience and Knowledge". , 6, 1, 2016, 127-144. doi: 10.22067/riis.v6i1.42407
jamshidi, G., heidari, G., Farajpahlou, A. (2016). 'Viewpoints of the Iranian University Library Managers on Solutions for Documentation of Experience and Knowledge', , 6(1), pp. 127-144. doi: 10.22067/riis.v6i1.42407
jamshidi, G., heidari, G., Farajpahlou, A. Viewpoints of the Iranian University Library Managers on Solutions for Documentation of Experience and Knowledge. , 2016; 6(1): 127-144. doi: 10.22067/riis.v6i1.42407

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