Moghaddaszadeh, H., Yaminfirooz, M., Alimohamadi, K. (2016). An Investigation of the Relationship between Information Literacy Skills and Effectiveness of Teachers: A Case Study of Primary School Teachers in Sari City. , 6(1), 306-320. doi: 10.22067/riis.v6i1.50124
Hassan Moghaddaszadeh; Mousa Yaminfirooz; Khadije Alimohamadi. "An Investigation of the Relationship between Information Literacy Skills and Effectiveness of Teachers: A Case Study of Primary School Teachers in Sari City". , 6, 1, 2016, 306-320. doi: 10.22067/riis.v6i1.50124
Moghaddaszadeh, H., Yaminfirooz, M., Alimohamadi, K. (2016). 'An Investigation of the Relationship between Information Literacy Skills and Effectiveness of Teachers: A Case Study of Primary School Teachers in Sari City', , 6(1), pp. 306-320. doi: 10.22067/riis.v6i1.50124
Moghaddaszadeh, H., Yaminfirooz, M., Alimohamadi, K. An Investigation of the Relationship between Information Literacy Skills and Effectiveness of Teachers: A Case Study of Primary School Teachers in Sari City. , 2016; 6(1): 306-320. doi: 10.22067/riis.v6i1.50124

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