Salamati, S., Ghomi, P. (2020). Ideological Manipulation: A Study of the Movies Dubbed from English into Persian in the Post-Revolution Era. , 53(3), 89-120. doi: 10.22067/lts.v53i3.84065
Salimeh Salamati; Parina Ghomi. "Ideological Manipulation: A Study of the Movies Dubbed from English into Persian in the Post-Revolution Era". , 53, 3, 2020, 89-120. doi: 10.22067/lts.v53i3.84065
Salamati, S., Ghomi, P. (2020). 'Ideological Manipulation: A Study of the Movies Dubbed from English into Persian in the Post-Revolution Era', , 53(3), pp. 89-120. doi: 10.22067/lts.v53i3.84065
Salamati, S., Ghomi, P. Ideological Manipulation: A Study of the Movies Dubbed from English into Persian in the Post-Revolution Era. , 2020; 53(3): 89-120. doi: 10.22067/lts.v53i3.84065

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