Karami Dastenaee, V., ghasemi bnad koki, S., mosallaeepoor, M., mashreghi, A. (2018). Investigation of Retained Austenite to Martensite Phase Transformation on Wear Behavior of White Cast Irons. , 29(2), 19-28. doi: 10.22067/ma.v0i29.44982
Vahid Karami Dastenaee; seyedsadegh ghasemi bnad koki; masoud mosallaeepoor; alireza mashreghi. "Investigation of Retained Austenite to Martensite Phase Transformation on Wear Behavior of White Cast Irons". , 29, 2, 2018, 19-28. doi: 10.22067/ma.v0i29.44982
Karami Dastenaee, V., ghasemi bnad koki, S., mosallaeepoor, M., mashreghi, A. (2018). 'Investigation of Retained Austenite to Martensite Phase Transformation on Wear Behavior of White Cast Irons', , 29(2), pp. 19-28. doi: 10.22067/ma.v0i29.44982
Karami Dastenaee, V., ghasemi bnad koki, S., mosallaeepoor, M., mashreghi, A. Investigation of Retained Austenite to Martensite Phase Transformation on Wear Behavior of White Cast Irons. , 2018; 29(2): 19-28. doi: 10.22067/ma.v0i29.44982

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