mashayekhi, K., Sadeghi, H., Akbarpour, V., Atashi, S., Ghasemi, Y., Mousavizadeh, S. (2014). Carbohydrate Variations of Leaf and Fruit of Nectarine cv. Red Gold During Growth Season at Gorgan Climate. , 28(1), 1-9. doi: 10.22067/jhorts4.v0i0.34995
kambiz mashayekhi; H. Sadeghi; V. Akbarpour; S. Atashi; Y. Ghasemi; Seyyed Javad Mousavizadeh. "Carbohydrate Variations of Leaf and Fruit of Nectarine cv. Red Gold During Growth Season at Gorgan Climate". , 28, 1, 2014, 1-9. doi: 10.22067/jhorts4.v0i0.34995
mashayekhi, K., Sadeghi, H., Akbarpour, V., Atashi, S., Ghasemi, Y., Mousavizadeh, S. (2014). 'Carbohydrate Variations of Leaf and Fruit of Nectarine cv. Red Gold During Growth Season at Gorgan Climate', , 28(1), pp. 1-9. doi: 10.22067/jhorts4.v0i0.34995
mashayekhi, K., Sadeghi, H., Akbarpour, V., Atashi, S., Ghasemi, Y., Mousavizadeh, S. Carbohydrate Variations of Leaf and Fruit of Nectarine cv. Red Gold During Growth Season at Gorgan Climate. , 2014; 28(1): 1-9. doi: 10.22067/jhorts4.v0i0.34995

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