Baradaran Motie, J., Aghkhani, M., Rohani, A., Lakziyan, A. (2019). Modeling the Effective Parameters on Accuracy of Soil Electrical Conductivity Measurement Systems Using RBF Neural Network. , 9(1), 139-154. doi: 10.22067/jam.v9i1.66489
J. Baradaran Motie; M. H. Aghkhani; A. Rohani; A. Lakziyan. "Modeling the Effective Parameters on Accuracy of Soil Electrical Conductivity Measurement Systems Using RBF Neural Network". , 9, 1, 2019, 139-154. doi: 10.22067/jam.v9i1.66489
Baradaran Motie, J., Aghkhani, M., Rohani, A., Lakziyan, A. (2019). 'Modeling the Effective Parameters on Accuracy of Soil Electrical Conductivity Measurement Systems Using RBF Neural Network', , 9(1), pp. 139-154. doi: 10.22067/jam.v9i1.66489
Baradaran Motie, J., Aghkhani, M., Rohani, A., Lakziyan, A. Modeling the Effective Parameters on Accuracy of Soil Electrical Conductivity Measurement Systems Using RBF Neural Network. , 2019; 9(1): 139-154. doi: 10.22067/jam.v9i1.66489

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