Izy, J., Zarghi, H. (2015). Comparison of Regression and Artificial Neural Network Models in Predicting the Production Performance of Laying Hens. , 7(1), 58-65. doi: 10.22067/ijasr.v7i1.32445
Javad Izy; Heydar Zarghi. "Comparison of Regression and Artificial Neural Network Models in Predicting the Production Performance of Laying Hens". , 7, 1, 2015, 58-65. doi: 10.22067/ijasr.v7i1.32445
Izy, J., Zarghi, H. (2015). 'Comparison of Regression and Artificial Neural Network Models in Predicting the Production Performance of Laying Hens', , 7(1), pp. 58-65. doi: 10.22067/ijasr.v7i1.32445
Izy, J., Zarghi, H. Comparison of Regression and Artificial Neural Network Models in Predicting the Production Performance of Laying Hens. , 2015; 7(1): 58-65. doi: 10.22067/ijasr.v7i1.32445

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