Alipour, H., Nikbakht, A., Etemadi, N., Nourbakhsh, F., Rejali, F. (2016). The Efficiency of Mycorrhizal Fungi on Growth Characteristics and some Nutrients Uptake of Plane tree Seedling (Platanus orientalis L.). , 29(4), 537-546. doi: 10.22067/jhorts4.v29i4.25940
H. Alipour; A. Nikbakht; Nematollah Etemadi; F. Nourbakhsh; F. Rejali. "The Efficiency of Mycorrhizal Fungi on Growth Characteristics and some Nutrients Uptake of Plane tree Seedling (Platanus orientalis L.)". , 29, 4, 2016, 537-546. doi: 10.22067/jhorts4.v29i4.25940
Alipour, H., Nikbakht, A., Etemadi, N., Nourbakhsh, F., Rejali, F. (2016). 'The Efficiency of Mycorrhizal Fungi on Growth Characteristics and some Nutrients Uptake of Plane tree Seedling (Platanus orientalis L.)', , 29(4), pp. 537-546. doi: 10.22067/jhorts4.v29i4.25940
Alipour, H., Nikbakht, A., Etemadi, N., Nourbakhsh, F., Rejali, F. The Efficiency of Mycorrhizal Fungi on Growth Characteristics and some Nutrients Uptake of Plane tree Seedling (Platanus orientalis L.). , 2016; 29(4): 537-546. doi: 10.22067/jhorts4.v29i4.25940

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