Sadeghzadeh Ahari, D., Hassandokht, M., Kashi, A., Amri, A. (2016). Evaluation and Selection for Drought Tolerance in Iranian Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum) Landraces at Germination and Seedling Growth Stages. , 29(4), 652-661. doi: 10.22067/jhorts4.v29i4.35970
D. Sadeghzadeh Ahari; M. R. Hassandokht; A. Kashi; A. Amri. "Evaluation and Selection for Drought Tolerance in Iranian Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum) Landraces at Germination and Seedling Growth Stages". , 29, 4, 2016, 652-661. doi: 10.22067/jhorts4.v29i4.35970
Sadeghzadeh Ahari, D., Hassandokht, M., Kashi, A., Amri, A. (2016). 'Evaluation and Selection for Drought Tolerance in Iranian Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum) Landraces at Germination and Seedling Growth Stages', , 29(4), pp. 652-661. doi: 10.22067/jhorts4.v29i4.35970
Sadeghzadeh Ahari, D., Hassandokht, M., Kashi, A., Amri, A. Evaluation and Selection for Drought Tolerance in Iranian Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum) Landraces at Germination and Seedling Growth Stages. , 2016; 29(4): 652-661. doi: 10.22067/jhorts4.v29i4.35970

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