Movahednasab, M., Tahmasebi, A., Vakili, S., naserian, A. (2022). The Effect of Flaxseed Oil Supplementation and Injection of Vitamins (A, D3, E) on the Performance and Blood Metabolites of Suckling Calves. , 14(3), 305-315. doi: 10.22067/ijasr.2021.70050.1020
Mehrdad Movahednasab; Abdolmansour Tahmasebi; Seyed Alireza Vakili; abasali naserian. "The Effect of Flaxseed Oil Supplementation and Injection of Vitamins (A, D3, E) on the Performance and Blood Metabolites of Suckling Calves". , 14, 3, 2022, 305-315. doi: 10.22067/ijasr.2021.70050.1020
Movahednasab, M., Tahmasebi, A., Vakili, S., naserian, A. (2022). 'The Effect of Flaxseed Oil Supplementation and Injection of Vitamins (A, D3, E) on the Performance and Blood Metabolites of Suckling Calves', , 14(3), pp. 305-315. doi: 10.22067/ijasr.2021.70050.1020
Movahednasab, M., Tahmasebi, A., Vakili, S., naserian, A. The Effect of Flaxseed Oil Supplementation and Injection of Vitamins (A, D3, E) on the Performance and Blood Metabolites of Suckling Calves. , 2022; 14(3): 305-315. doi: 10.22067/ijasr.2021.70050.1020

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