Mazloumi Bajestani, A., Fahim, A. (2021). Investigation of the Source of 238U, 232Th and 40K Radiation of in the Neyshabour Turquoise Mine and its Environmental Impacts. , 13(4), 697-718. doi: 10.22067/econg.2021.69283.1010
Alireza Mazloumi Bajestani; Akram Fahim. "Investigation of the Source of 238U, 232Th and 40K Radiation of in the Neyshabour Turquoise Mine and its Environmental Impacts". , 13, 4, 2021, 697-718. doi: 10.22067/econg.2021.69283.1010
Mazloumi Bajestani, A., Fahim, A. (2021). 'Investigation of the Source of 238U, 232Th and 40K Radiation of in the Neyshabour Turquoise Mine and its Environmental Impacts', , 13(4), pp. 697-718. doi: 10.22067/econg.2021.69283.1010
Mazloumi Bajestani, A., Fahim, A. Investigation of the Source of 238U, 232Th and 40K Radiation of in the Neyshabour Turquoise Mine and its Environmental Impacts. , 2021; 13(4): 697-718. doi: 10.22067/econg.2021.69283.1010

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