Yarmand, S., Mohammadi, H., Karbasi, A., Dehghani, M. (2023). The Effect of the Marketing Mix and Specialized Knowledge on the Export Performance of SMEs Exporting Dry Fruits. , 37(2), 145-156. doi: 10.22067/jead.2023.80703.1176
S. Yarmand; H. Mohammadi; A. Karbasi; M. Dehghani. "The Effect of the Marketing Mix and Specialized Knowledge on the Export Performance of SMEs Exporting Dry Fruits". , 37, 2, 2023, 145-156. doi: 10.22067/jead.2023.80703.1176
Yarmand, S., Mohammadi, H., Karbasi, A., Dehghani, M. (2023). 'The Effect of the Marketing Mix and Specialized Knowledge on the Export Performance of SMEs Exporting Dry Fruits', , 37(2), pp. 145-156. doi: 10.22067/jead.2023.80703.1176
Yarmand, S., Mohammadi, H., Karbasi, A., Dehghani, M. The Effect of the Marketing Mix and Specialized Knowledge on the Export Performance of SMEs Exporting Dry Fruits. , 2023; 37(2): 145-156. doi: 10.22067/jead.2023.80703.1176

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