sahebian, S., rezania, R., babakhani, A. (2023). The Effect of LDPE Presence in Grain Boundaries on HDPE/CNT Nanocomposite with Segregate Structure on Electrical Conductivity and Mechanical Properties. , 34(3), 95-108. doi: 10.22067/jmme.2023.79715.1087
samane sahebian; reyhaneh rezania; abolfazl babakhani. "The Effect of LDPE Presence in Grain Boundaries on HDPE/CNT Nanocomposite with Segregate Structure on Electrical Conductivity and Mechanical Properties". , 34, 3, 2023, 95-108. doi: 10.22067/jmme.2023.79715.1087
sahebian, S., rezania, R., babakhani, A. (2023). 'The Effect of LDPE Presence in Grain Boundaries on HDPE/CNT Nanocomposite with Segregate Structure on Electrical Conductivity and Mechanical Properties', , 34(3), pp. 95-108. doi: 10.22067/jmme.2023.79715.1087
sahebian, S., rezania, R., babakhani, A. The Effect of LDPE Presence in Grain Boundaries on HDPE/CNT Nanocomposite with Segregate Structure on Electrical Conductivity and Mechanical Properties. , 2023; 34(3): 95-108. doi: 10.22067/jmme.2023.79715.1087

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