Purpose: Chronic neck pain is one of the common problems among computer users. The aim of this research was to compare and evaluate the effect of 8 weeks of a selected exercise therapy program and a self-treatment program based on a given pamphlet on neck pain, strength and range of motion of the neck in computer users. Material and Methods: In this quasi-experimental study, sixty-six patients with chronic neck pain ( age 39.19 ± 3.1 years, height 172.39 ± 4.6 cm and weight 71.68 ± 5.6)who at least had asix-month history of neck pain, were recruited based on a Personal Information Questionnaire distributed among computer users working in banks of Isfahan. The subjects were divided in three groups. The first group carried out therapeutic exercises with the supervision of a trainer, while the second group received a pamphlet and the third group had no intervention. Neck Pain and Disability Scale, dynamometer (power track commander II) and a goniometry device were respectively used to measure neck pain, disability, strength and range of motion in subjects after 8 weeks of intervention. One-way NOVA was applied in order to analysis of data (P<0.05). Results: The results showed that there was a significant difference between means of neck pain and disability and, also between neck muscle strength of the study groups (P<0.021). Comparison of neck ROM in different groups showed that neck ROM of the selected exercise group in all movements, except for the left rotation, had significant differences with the two other groups. Right rotation of the self-treatment group was significantly different from the control group (P<0.031). Discussion and Conclusion: According to the results of this study, it can be concluded that both treatment methods for the chronic neck pain are fruitful, although self-treatment is less costly, selected exercise therapy with a trainer is more manageable, effective and safe |