Hamidi, E., Abbasi, E., Mollania Jelodar, S. (2023). A Sociological Study of the Relationship between Family Social Support and Evasion of the Law among Residents of Sari Aged 18 to 30. , 20(3), 247-275. doi: 10.22067/social.2023.85548.1453
Ensi Hamidi; Elham Abbasi; Shahram Mollania Jelodar. "A Sociological Study of the Relationship between Family Social Support and Evasion of the Law among Residents of Sari Aged 18 to 30". , 20, 3, 2023, 247-275. doi: 10.22067/social.2023.85548.1453
Hamidi, E., Abbasi, E., Mollania Jelodar, S. (2023). 'A Sociological Study of the Relationship between Family Social Support and Evasion of the Law among Residents of Sari Aged 18 to 30', , 20(3), pp. 247-275. doi: 10.22067/social.2023.85548.1453
Hamidi, E., Abbasi, E., Mollania Jelodar, S. A Sociological Study of the Relationship between Family Social Support and Evasion of the Law among Residents of Sari Aged 18 to 30. , 2023; 20(3): 247-275. doi: 10.22067/social.2023.85548.1453

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