Majidi, S., Bahrami, F., Anoushe, M. (2024). Ellipsis Phenomena within the Clause; A Phase-Based Approach. , 16(1), 151-185. doi: 10.22067/jlkd.2024.88620.1251
Shabnam Majidi; Fatemeh Bahrami; Mazdak Anoushe. "Ellipsis Phenomena within the Clause; A Phase-Based Approach". , 16, 1, 2024, 151-185. doi: 10.22067/jlkd.2024.88620.1251
Majidi, S., Bahrami, F., Anoushe, M. (2024). 'Ellipsis Phenomena within the Clause; A Phase-Based Approach', , 16(1), pp. 151-185. doi: 10.22067/jlkd.2024.88620.1251
Majidi, S., Bahrami, F., Anoushe, M. Ellipsis Phenomena within the Clause; A Phase-Based Approach. , 2024; 16(1): 151-185. doi: 10.22067/jlkd.2024.88620.1251

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