
Development and Field Evaluation of a Cabbage Harvester Unit

Pages 1-13
A. Rezahosseini; K. Jafari Naeimi; H. Mortezapour


Construction of a Seed Pod Husker and Evaluating with Soybean in Laboratory Scale

Pages 15-29
S. Hasantabar; S. R. Mousavi Seyedi; D. Kalantari


Appraisal of Fine Distribution in a Pilot-scale Silo in Different Filling Conditions

Pages 31-48
A. Nourmohamadi-Moghadami; D. Zare; Sh. Kamfiroozi; A. A. Jafari; M. A. Nematollahi; R. Kamali


Numerical Simulation of Conventional and Porch Patterns for Air Inlet Channel in Paddy Dryer

Pages 49-59
H. R. Gazor; O. R. Roustapour; R. Jahanian


Determination of Damage Index of Olive Fruit (Koroneiky variety) in Different Harvesting Methods and Times in Golestan Province

Pages 61-72
A. Memari; H. Shamsabadi; M. H. Rahmati; M. H. Razzaghi


Use of Biospeckle Imaging to Measure Mechanical Properties of Apples in the Non-invasive Manner

Pages 73-86
O. Omidi-Arjenaki; D. Ghanbarian; M. Naderi-Boldaji; K. Mollazadeh


Evaluation of Vegetation Index of Greenhouse Tomato and Cucumber using non-destructive Sensors

Pages 87-98
B. Sepehr; H. Mohamadi-Monavar


Comparison of Mathematical Modeling, Artificial Neural Networks and Fuzzy Logic for Predicting the Moisture Ratio of Garlic and Shallot in a Fluidized Bed Dryer

Pages 99-112
M. Kaveh; Y. Abbaspour Gilandeh; R. Amiri Chayjan; R. Mohammadigol


Numerical Solution of Mass Transfer Process during Drying of Apple Slices Using Pseudospectral Method

Pages 113-122
A. Pasban; M. Mohebbi; H. Sadrnia; S. A. Shahidi


Online Identification of Defect Bottles in Production Line of Soft Drink using Machine Vision

Pages 123-137
V. Rasooli Sharabiani; O. Farhangi; E. Taghinezhad


Modeling the Effective Parameters on Accuracy of Soil Electrical Conductivity Measurement Systems Using RBF Neural Network

Pages 139-154
J. Baradaran Motie; M. H. Aghkhani; A. Rohani; A. Lakziyan


Analysis of the Exergy of Combustion the Diesel and Biodiesel Fuel in a DI Diesel Engine

Pages 155-166
G. Khoobbakht


Modeling and Optimizing of the Energy Consumption of Moldboard Plow using Response Surface Methodology (RSM)

Pages 167-176
M. Mehrijani; J. Khodaei; S. Zareei


Energy Consumption Analysis and Environmental Impact Assessment of Grape Production in Hazavah Region of Arak City

Pages 177-193
P. Mohseni; A. M. Borghaee; M. Khanali


Study of Potential, Characteristics and Parameters of the Wind Energy Case study: Dehloran County

Pages 195-208
A. Omidi; R. Alimardani; M. Khanali


Fabrication and Evaluation of a Portable Biomass Stove for Implementing in Regions without Access to Natural Gas Distribution Network

Pages 209-220
M. A. Ebrahimi-Nik; A. Rohani


Locating Advisory and Agricultural Engineering Service Network using Set Covering Model

Pages 221-233
M. Zangeneh; A. Akram


Prioritizing the Power Arrival in Khuzestan Province Agriculture using FAHP and FTOPSIS

Pages 235-251
A. Keshvari; A. Marzban

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