
Editorial and short notes

Naser Shahnoushi; shahin pakroh


Identification of the lost economic opportunities in uncompleted projects of water and wastewater industry

Pages 1-8
M. davodabadi; Sh. Shalpoush


Investigating the water accounting methods, Introduction and implementation most efficient method

Pages 9-22
L. Abolhassany; E. Khalili


Measuring the effect of economic activities of Iran on water, land and human demand in 2012: an input –output approach

Pages 23-30
k javadi; seyedhossein sajadifar; M. Ahmadpour Borazjani; A. Najibi Fini


The Economic - Environmental Macro Feedbacks of “Population Increase” Policy Adoption in Iran

Pages 31-46
N. Shanoushi; S. Naghavi; E.A. Rahmati


Critically analysis of virtual water from the perspective of policy-making

Pages 47-58
H. Ghoddusi; H. Davari


Measurement and Analysis of the Virtual Water Place in Iran's Industry and Mining Sectors

Pages 59-72
M. Tahami Pour zarandi; M. Ghorbani


Estimating the economic value of the lost water due to wastes of agricultural products (irrigated crop and garden) from the harvest to before taking

Pages 73-82
A. Keshavarz; M.H. Shariatmadar; A. Khosravi; A.A. Sheikh Mehrabadi; A. Biki Khoshk; M. Shabani; M. Bakhshayesh; R. Kiyan Pour; B. Fakari


Economic and Environmental Analysis of Wastewater Collecting and Treatment

Pages 83-92
V. Majed; S. Golzary-Ghalejoughi


The Role of Market in Optimal Water Resources Allocation and Efficacious Factors Influencing the Efficiency of Water Markets

Pages 93-102
Gh.H. Kiani


Water Market in Theory and Practice: Market Failure and Public Policy

Pages 103-114
M.R. Nazari


Water Resources Management in the Harirud river basin based on game theory

Pages 115-121
ahmad Ghandhari; Seyed Mohhamad Reza Alavi Moghaddam; hamid omranian khorasani


A Critique of the Water Transfer Plan from the Persian Gulf and the Sea of ​​Oman to the Central Plateau of Iran

Pages 124-129
fatemeh zafarnejad


Investigation of some technical and economic aspects of desalination and transfer of sea water to the central regions of Iran

Pages 130-130
Abbas Ali Ghezelsofloo


Designing and compiling a research card in Mashhad Water and Sewerage Company, from idea to action ...

Pages 131-132
ABFA Mashhad

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