
Hermeneutics, understanding and interpretation: Comparative reading on the basics of Shabestari and Gadamer's vote

Pages 9-30
Jan Mohammad Dehghanpour; Babak Abbasi; Mehrdad Abbasi; Seyed Mohammad Ali Ayazi


A Critical Study of Tabrizi’s Traditional Evidence on the Homonymity of Existence and the Denial of Divine Attributes

Pages 31-43
jabbar amini; Mohammad Saeedimehr; Ali Afzali


Analysis, Critique and Improvement of the Rescher’s Narrative of the Logic in the Islamic Period

Pages 45-65
a e; Mohammad Emdadi Masooleh; Hanieh Moosavi


The Culmination of History in the School of Ibn ʿArabī with the Nominal Manifestations of the Prophets

Pages 67-86
Mansoureh Shayesteh; Reza Elahimanesh; Majid Kafi


Analysis of Plotinian Elements in the Intellectual Foundations of Maktab-e Tafkīk with Emphasis on Theological and Psychological Issues

Pages 87-104
Ali Rostamiani; Vahideh Fakhar Noghani


Explaining the Trans-categorial Truth of Conceptual Knowledge in Transcendent Philosophy

Pages 105-126
Azam Sadat Pishbin; Abbas Javarshakian; Seyyed Morteza Hosseini Shahrudi


Comparison of Will from the Perspective of Schopenhauer and Rumi

Pages 127-141
Mohammad Mir; Mohammad Hassan Karimi


Intercession and its Relation to the Evolution of Soul from the Perspective of Transcendent Philosophy

Pages 143-160
Hossein Khaleghipour; Nasser Momeni


Analysis of the Possibility of Heideggerian Artificial Intelligence in the Views of Hubert Dreyfus

Pages 161-183
Mohammad Mehdi Moqaddas


Examining the Arguments of Iranian Quranists in Criticizing the Notion of Clear Appointment of Imams )Case Study of Criticisms of Burqa‘i, Qalamdaran, Tabataba’i(

Pages 185-200
Mohsen Musavand


Imamite Theologians in the Time of Imam Sādigh (P.B.U.H.) and the Issue of Istiṭā‘a (Ability to Act)

Pages 201-213
Seyed Ehsan Mousavi Khalkhali; Nematullah Safari Foroushani


A New Reading of Ṣadrā’s Al-asfār Al-arbaʿa Based on the Hero’s Journey Narrative Archetype

Pages 215-234
Majid Sadeghi; Najmeh Lab Khandagh

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