
Foreign Exchange rate Volatilies, Government Debt to the Banks and Current Government Spending: Wavelet Transform approach

Pages 1-28
soheil roudari; masod homayounifar; mostafa salimifar


Examination of the Effect of the Shock Caused by Monetary Policy and Oil Revenue on Inflation and Economic Growth in Iran

Pages 29-46
Mohsen Niazimohseni; Hamid Shahrestani; Kambiz Hojabr Kiani; Farhad Ghafari


Impact of Globalization on the Development of Commercial Insurance: A Comparative Study Between Perspective Countries of Iran and Developed Countries

Pages 47-82
Saeed Asadiqaragoz; Alireza DaghighiAsli; Ghadir Mahdaviklishomi; Marjan Damankeshideh


Exploring The Elements of Corporate Entrepreneurship and Investigating Its Relationship with Performance of Social Security Organization Subsidiary and Affiliate Companies

Pages 83-110
Hossein Takroosta; Yaghoub Maharati; Mostafa Kazemi; Mohammad Hossein Mahdavi Adeli


Extracting the Phillips Curve Based on Real Exchange Rate for the Iran Economy by Generalized Method of Moments

Pages 111-132
afsane javadi


Portfolio optimization using the wavelet-based Bayesian MGARCH approach

Pages 133-164
Seyed Ali Hoseini Ebrahimaba; khalil jahangiri; mahdi Ghaemi Asl; hasan heidari


The effect of liquidity on the corruption in the selected countries of MENA region

Pages 165-192
mohammad sharif karimi; Azadeh Shahab


The Impact of Natural Resources Rent and Political Development on Central Bank Independence: Evidence from Oil Exporting Countries

Pages 193-222
Sajjad faraji dizaji; Hossein Sadeghi; Zahra Lotfi


The effect of ownership structure and corporate governance on performance of banks: using structural equations approach

Pages 223-248
Abdorreza Asadi; Mohammad Ali Abri


Mixed- Asset Portfolio Optimization

Pages 249-278
soudeh sabahi; Farimah Mokhatab Rafiei; MohammadAli Rastegar

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